Calling for Compassion | COVID-19 Pandemic

The alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Leadership Board calls for compassion and solidarity as incidences of racism, discrimination, and hate towards people of Asian descent increased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As one of the largest and fastest growing Asian-interest sororities, we advocate for the strength that diversity brings to our communities. During this time of uncertainty, we are asking our sisters, friends, and community members to stand together against the widespread acts of racism. We are calling for the spread of compassion versus fear and hate.

There have been reports of over 1,000 anti-Asian cases since the coronavirus was first reported in the United States, including over 750 direct reports of discrimination received by Stop AAPI Hate, an online reporting forum created by the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) and Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA).

If you are targeted or witness an incident of discrimination:

  • Assess if the situation is safe for you; if it is, say something - call out and correct prejudice. 

  • Be an ally. Small gestures go a long way. Simply standing by or staying close to a victim can be comforting and may help to diffuse a situation. 

  • If the situation is unsafe, consider calling the police and reporting the incident to Stop AAPI Hate

With COVID-19 upending normalcy, decency and compassion must continue. Let’s care for one another and look out for each other, because if there is one thing we have learned from this outbreak, it’s that we are all in this together.

Janice Lam, Board of Directors Chairman
Nga Pham, National Board President & CEO
Risha Roa, National Alumnae Board President


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