International Programming
Each academic year the International Leadership Board hosts and facilitates the coordination of leadership conferences, regional retreats, and international convention for our members to develop leadership skills and share best practices, network with other sisters, and of course cultivate timeless friendship through sisterhood.
aKDPhi’s annual Convention is hosted during a weekend in the summer where all undergraduate sisters meet in a designated city for a weekend of leadership, personal and professional development, and networking. Convention includes business meetings, updates from the International Leadership Board, various workshops, and Banquet! Most importantly, Convention is a weekend of sisterhood between our undergraduate and alumnae sisters.
Twice a year, chapter leaders come together for international leadership retreats where they receive updates on our international organization, participate in workshops, and develop essential skills to enhance their leadership within their chapters.
Leadership Development Programs
The Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) provides undergraduate members with professional growth, leadership development, and networking opportunities.
The Pacesetter Program for Emerging Leaders was launched in the 2012-2013 academic year, and provides Junior Actives of the sorority an opportunity to learn about their leadership identities through a mini-internship program with National Board. Through attending facilitated workshops and discussion, and working on a national-officers-guided project, Pacesetters will learn more about the sorority they made a lifelong commitment to and learn about opportunities to serve the sorority beyond their chapter.
The SEN10R LEGACΨ program, launched in the 2013-2014 academic year, provides sisters in their final year of college with tools and resources to embrace continued opportunities for personal, academic and career growth. The programs helps our seniors renew their commitment to the sorority as they begin a new chapter. Through professional development tools and a guided experience, graduating sisters will be equipped with tools to learn about and improve their leadership and teamwork styles, apply their skills through a guided practicum, and shape their position within and areas of contributions to the sorority.
Started in the 2013-2014 academic year, the Sorority Internship Program provides our undergraduate sisters with an unpaid internship experience during the fall and spring terms. It enables undergraduates to gain experience and learn professional skills by building and executing on various internal initiatives. Past interns have contributed to the growth and development of sorority programs that support membership development and chapter operations.
Chapter Excellence Program
aKDPhi holds all of our chapters, regardless of status, to high standards of excellence. Through our Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) we have identified 10 tenets that we believe are the essence of being a successful chapter of aKDPhi.
Each year we review our chapters on these standards and provide feedback at an individual chapter level to commend them for a job well done and guide them in their areas of improvement. Through our CEP we also work alongside our chapter leadership to define how our International Leadership Board can continue to consistently and effectively support our chapters.
Members of alpha Kappa Delta Phi are some of the most active and visible students within their campuses and communities. At our annual National Convention, recognition is given to chapters for their exceptional accomplishments during the past academic year.
The Chapter of the Year Award was established in 1996 and the first award was given at the 1997 Convention. The National Board created this award to recognize the full-fledged chapters for their outstanding service to the community, academics and organization, as well as their excellent communication with sister chapters and the National Board.
Show Past Recipients
1997 - Epsilon Chapter, University of California, Riverside
1998 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
1999 - Delta Chapter, University of California, Santa Cruz
2000 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
2001 - Kappa Chapter, University of California, Irvine
2002 - Gamma Chapter, University of California, San Diego
2003 - Iota Chapter, University of Houston
2004 - Epsilon Chapter, University of California, Riverside
2005 - Alpha Chapter, University of California, Berkeley
2006 - Theta Chapter, University of Pennsylvania
2007 - Omicron Chapter, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2008 - Sigma Chapter, University of Virginia
2009 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2010 - Pi Chapter, University of Washington
2011 - Rho Chapter, State University of New York, Buffalo
2012 - Pi Chapter, University of Washington
2013 - Phi Chapter, The Florida State University
2014 - Tau Chapter, Cornell University
2015 - Theta Chapter, University of Pennsylvania
2016 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2017 - Sigma Chapter, University of Virginia
2018 - Alpha Delta Chapter, University of Florida
2019 - Chi Chapter, University of Oklahoma
2021 - Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of South Florida
2022 - Sigma Chapter, University of Virginia
2023 - Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of South Florida
2024 - Psi Chapter, Rutgers Chapter
This award was first presented in 2001. The Anita Tso Philanthropy Award was started and named in honor of Jasmine Tso’s mother Anita, who passed away from breast cancer. The national philanthropy of alpha Kappa Delta Phi is breast cancer. Thus, this award recognizes one outstanding chapter a year who has not only surpassed other chapters in contributing to the fight against breast cancer, but has also participated in numerous community service and volunteer activities consistently throughout the year.
Show Past Recipients
2001 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
2002 - Sigma Chapter, University of Virginia
2003 - Omicron Chapter, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2004 - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2005 - Iota Chapter, University of Houston
2006 - Psi Chapter, Rutgers University
2007 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
2008 - Pi Chapter, University of Washington
2009 - James Madison University
2010 - Psi Chapter, Rutgers University
2011 - Chi Chapter, University of Oklahoma
2012 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
2013 - University of Chicago
2014 - Psi Chapter, Rutgers University
2015 - The City University of New York, Baruch College
2016 - Eta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
2017 - Iota Chapter, University of Houston
2018 - Boston University
2019 - University of Chicago
2021 - University of Texas at Arlington
2022 - Alpha Eta Chapter, Baylor University
2023 - California State University San Marcos
2024 - Alpha Theta Chapter, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
This award was first presented at Convention 2003. It was created to recognize the chapter that maintains the highest scholastic excellence. The criteria for this award is based on the chapters cumulative GPA which is averaged including the last completed semester/quarter cumulative GPA of all actives and associates.
Show Past Recipients
2003 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2004 - Carnegie Mellon University
2005 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2006 - Tau Chapter, Cornell University
2007 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2008 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2009 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2010 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2011 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2012 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2013 - University of Chicago
2014 - University of Chicago
2015 - Theta Chapter, University of Pennsylvania
2016 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2017 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2018 - Zeta Chapter, Stanford University
2019 - Alpha Beta Chapter, Duke University
2022 - Zeta Chapter, Standford University
2023 - Alpha Beta Chapter, Duke University
2024 - Alpha Beta Chapter, Duke University
alpha Kappa Delta Phi is composed of strong and unique individuals from a wide array of cultural backgrounds. As a national organization, it is our goal to raise cultural awareness in our communities and continue our efforts to educate and embrace diversity. The Cultural Awareness Award was first presented at Convention 2003 and was created to recognize one chapter a year who overwhelmingly put forth their time and dedication in raising awareness through a variety of cultural events consistently throughout the year.
Show Past Recipients
2003 - Omicron Chapter, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2004 - The Florida State University
2005 - Pi Chapter, University of Washington
2006 - Delta Chapter, University of California, Santa Cruz
2007 - Iota Chapter, University of Houston
2008 - Tau Chapter, Cornell University
2009 - Upsilon Chapter, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2010 - Chi Chapter, University of Oklahoma
2011 - Chi Chapter, University of Oklahoma
2012 - Chi Chapter, University of Oklahoma
2013 - Michigan State University
2014 - Boston University
2015 - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2016 - Michigan State University
2017 - Alpha Delta Chapter, University of Florida
2018 - Tau Chapter, Cornell University
2019 - Alpha Delta Chapter, University of Florida
2021 - Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Wisconsin - Madison
2022 - Alpha Eta Chapter, Baylor University
2023 - University of Texas at Dallas University
2024 - Purdue University at West Lafayette