New aKDPhi chapters strengthen our network of respected, confident women and connect new sisters to a community that nurtures life-long friendships and develops self-empowered leaders.

The aKDPhi organization has 67 chapters and thousands of sisters across the country, and our community is growing. New chapters are supported by a well-established nation-wide network backed by 35 years of experience in leadership and program development. 

aKDPhi chapters enrich the campus and Greek communities, offering women opportunities to:


Develop and apply their leadership skills

aKDPhi sisters elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose-driven leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration. Our sisters participate in a number of activities that encourage the growth and development of their leadership skills.


Participate and lead in community service

In addition to our annual service project, aKDPhi sisters volunteer their time and talents across their communities, adding value to their universities while developing an interest and competency in civic engagement.


Share and expand their cultural awareness

One of the pillars of the aKDPhi philosophy is Asian Awareness, and our sisters educate each other and their communities about Asian culture, expanding awareness and understanding across their university. While we are an Asian-interest sorority, we are NOT Asian-American exclusive.


Learn and grow among a diverse group of their peers

Our collegiate years are an intense period of learning and growth. aKDPhi sisters spend this time surrounded by a diverse group of their peers, learning from and alongside women with different backgrounds, histories, and personalities, helping to shape us into respected, confident leaders.


Create life-long friendships and lasting connections

The aKDPhi sisterhood establishes a sense of belonging that nurtures life-long friendships, unforgettable memories, and supports a lasting network of self-empowered leaders who continue to uplift each other long after graduation.


To inquire about starting an aKDPhi chapter at your university, contact our Officer of Expansion at expansion@akdphi.org